Blogging is one of the most lucrative ways to earn money online. With blogging, you can reach out to thousand of people from different countries and promote different services or post ads and make money. There are many blogging platforms which offer users the ability to create free blogs. If you are looking for a simple free blog, my suggestion would be to start blogging with, or

 Once you have some blogging experience, you can advance and become more professional with a self-hosted WordPress blog. Before you dive into this post, take a quick look of what you will gain if you calmly read the post and invite your friends.

 However, as I mentioned above, for a beginner it is a great way to learn how to create a blog and begin the blogging process using the blogspost platform powered by Google. BlogSpot allows you to create a free blog, but it does have limitations.
At the end of this tutorial you should be able to know;

What you need
  1. Smartphone/PC
  2. Data
  3. Time
  4. Information
  5. Writing skills (not compulsory).
To create your free BlogSpot blog site, head over to and login using your Google account. If you don’t have a Google (gmail) account, you can create one for free.
For a first time user, you will see an option to use the identity from your Google Plus profile, or you can use your limited BlogSpot profile. I recommend using your Google Plus profile.
Once you are logged in, click on “new blog"


The first thing you need to do is add a name and select your domain. Avoid using your personal name as the domain name, and instead use some generic domain name that you can brand later with a custom domain.
You can then select a blog template (you can change it anytime), and click on “Create Blog”.


Now your blog is created, but you are not done yet!
There are a few settings that you need to set on your newly created BlogSpot blog to make it easy to use.
You are now on the BlogSpot dashboard where you will see your blog’s backend. From here you can go to “Settings” and make changes to improve your blog’s visibility.
Here is a screenshot of what you should be seeing:

BlogSpot dashboard

From here you can click on “Posts” > “New post” and start writing your very first blog post!.

Most importantly, you should change your blog’s template as the default one is generic and boring (in my opinion).
 Alternatively, you can go to “Settings” > “Template” and change the template from there.
On this page, you can also add a logo to the header of your BlogSpot blog, and add or remove various other features.
Make blogspot blog